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7 Things You Shouldn’t Do the Week After You Get Engaged

Just said yes to the love of your life? Here’s everything you shouldn’t be doing the week after you get engaged.

Katlyn Jane Photography & Weddings

The week after you get engaged can be a hectic one. You’re probably still on cloud nine, but also want to get down to business. Instead of diving into wedding planning to-dos headfirst or going crazy with the Instagram posts of your shiny new bling, take a breather. Follow these rules and you should have no trouble easing into your new life as a fiancé(e).

Here are a few things you shouldn’t do a week after you get engaged.

Overshare on social media

You’re excited! You’re pumped! You’re over the moon! So, naturally, you want to tell everyone about your upcoming nuptials. While your family members, friends and followers will probably be super stoked for you, they definitely don’t want their feeds flooded with photos of your ring the week after you get engaged, multiple statuses about how perfect the proposal was and sappy posts about your S.O. We suggest going with one solid social media post to kick things off - remember, you’ll have plenty of time to upload more down the road.

Katlyn Jane Photography & Weddings

Splurge on something

Your wedding will probably be the priciest party you throw in your life, so you should steer clear of making any big purchases right after you get engaged (you’ll need to save those loonies and toonies!). Schedule a meeting with your fiancé(e) and whoever else is contributing to the wedding fund ASAP to figure out the budget for your big day. Once you’ve done that you’ll know if you can afford to buy that new pair of Louboutins or a shiny new car.

Start inviting people to your wedding

You probably have an idea of who you’ll be inviting to your wedding, but you definitely haven’t prepped the guest list or sent out any save the date cards. Even if you’re super excited for what’s to come, don’t start verbally inviting pals, acquaintances and coworkers to your wedding the week after you get engaged. You may realize that you want a more intimate wedding after diving into the planning process and you don’t want to let anyone down.

Be careless with your engagement ring

You’re probably treating your engagement ring like a newborn child right now, so this probably goes without saying, but you need to be very careful with it. You should schedule an appointment to get it appraised, insured and (if needed) sized within the first week of having it. Also avoid doing things like wearing it in the shower and cleaning the house with it on (this should apply all the time, but it’s uber important if it hasn’t been insured yet).

Katlyn Jane Photography & Weddings

Stir up drama with your soon-to-be in-laws

You may not love your almost in-laws, heck, you may not even like them, but now’s not the time to start trouble. You’re going to be bonding your families together for life, so don’t push them away before you’ve even said your “I dos”. If they start inserting themselves in your life more, don’t show them the cold shoulder. You want to kick everything off on the right foot, so try your best to be kind and considerate. If things start getting really out of hand, ask your fiancé(e) to run interference, they probably know how to deal with their family best.

Buy your wedding dress

If you knew there was a proposal on your horizon, you may have already filled a Pinterest board with dress options. Even though you want to run to your dream boutique and start trying on tulle and taffeta gowns, we strongly caution against it. There are other things you’ll want to take care of first, namely your wedding date and reception venue. These will play a big role in what outfit you wear on your big day - you definitely don’t want to end up with a long-sleeved gown outdoors in the middle of August - so don’t jump the gun.

Accept every invitation

Your nearest and dearest probably want to start celebrating your new relationship status, like, now, so there’s a good chance you’ll be flooded with invitations to dinners, bestie brunches, coffee dates and more. While all of that sounds awesome, you don’t want to run out of steam before you’ve even decided on an engagement party. Remember, planning a wedding is a marathon, not a sprint.

Katlyn Jane Photography & Weddings

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