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6 Signs You Might Need to Hire a Wedding Planner

Thinking of adding a wedding planner to your wedding vendor squad? Here are a few reasons it might be a good idea.

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Yes, a wedding planner is an extra expense, but it can be well worth the money. Whether you’re having trouble getting started or simply can’t stay on track, having one on your team can really transform your wedding planning journey. If you’re on the fence about adding a pro to your squad, read on.

Here are a few signs you might need to hire a wedding planner.

You’re feeling a little lost

There’s a good chance this is the first wedding you’ve ever planned and there’s no shame in needing someone to show you the ropes. While there are countless online resources that can point you in the right direction (like us!) having someone who knows their stuff by your side can really do wonders.

Your wedding is causing you unnecessary stress

Of course, planning your wedding will have its stressful times but it should, for the most part, be fun. If it’s pushing you to the edge of a meltdown and you find yourself in bridezilla (or groomzilla) territory, it may be time to seek out the help of a wedding planner. Having someone to guide you through the tougher times, keep you on schedule and make sure you don’t develop serious stress wrinkles before your wedding is invaluable.

You have a demanding job

Wedding planning is time-consuming and if you have a full-time job while putting your celebration together (which most people do), a wedding planner can come in really handy. They’ll take care of all the little details and help keep you organized so you don’t have to juggle too many things at once.

You need help hunting down vendors

Have you searched and searched and searched but still can’t find the perfect florist, baker, caterer and photographer for your wedding? Well, a wedding planner can probably help point you in the right direction. Most wedding pros have a list of preferred wedding vendors and may be able to put you in contact with a team that shares your vision.

You need someone to keep you on track

A wedding planner will build a schedule that works for you and help you stick to it. They can help plot out your next few weeks or months and tell you exactly what you need to get done and when so that you never miss an important deadline. This is great for couples who aren’t the most organized or are serial procrastinators.

You’re having trouble staying within your budget

One major concern you’ll face while wedding planning is staying within your wedding budget. While tools like our budget calculator will come in super handy, it can still be difficult to stop yourself from overspending. If you need someone to help track your finances and tell you where you should be allocating your funds, hire a wedding planner.

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