Wedding Florists Nova Scotia
Callia Flowers
Seek and Bloom Creative Co.
Monica's Floral Design
Hebbville, Nova Scotia -
Middleton Valley Rose Flower Shop
Berry's Blooms
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia -
McKean's Flowers
Silver Horse Florist
Kentville, Nova Scotia -
Hedgerow Flower Company
Weymouth, Nova Scotia -
The Bloom Box
Berwick, Nova Scotia -
La Bouquetiere
Broadfork Farm
Whistling Willow Mariposa and Design Studio
Sydney, Nova Scotia -
New Glasgow, Nova Scotia -
Elegant Creations
The Queens Florist
Liverpool, Nova Scotia -
Littlest Flower Farm
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia -
Petitpaw Designs Florist
Flowers of Spring
Bedford, Nova Scotia -
Picture Perfect Flowers & Décor by Katherine Langford
Two Birds One Stone Farm
4 Seasons Florist
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia